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Men's Clothing and Tailoring

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Men's Fashion Coordination on Solid Colored Men's Dress Shirts

Written by Leroy Fong

Posted: 1/15/08


It is common to find men choosing white for their solid colored mens dress shirts. They believe that it is the easiest with other outfits as well as creating a formal appearance. There are people who feel that white dress shirts projects radiance onto mens face.


However, there is an aspect that we need to take note in mens fashion coordination, which is the skin tone as well as the hair color of the man. Imagine a blond man with fair-colored skin tone in a white shirt.


The direction of focus will on the shirt or tie rather than his face. The white shirt is not able enhance his overall light colored skin tone.


Instead solid colored mens dress shirts against the skin tone and hair color is supposed to bring the focal point to the man’s face, not the shirt. It applies similarly to patterned dress shirts as well.


White is not the only ultimate choice for solid colored mens dress shirts, I would say blue color is the other must-have color for every mens dress shirts. It has the best blend into almost every mens skin tone and hair color.


It never seems to go wrong wearing a blue dress shirt to provide a warmer and richer overtone for any skin tone than white dress shirts.


Can all blue tones fit different skin tones and hair colors? Generally the best choice is going for medium blue and the suitable shade of medium should always bring the focus toward your face.


Men with tan or olive skin tones with contrasting hair color can afford to wear darker blue tones.


Check out our Mens Dress Shirts Store to find the most stylish and well-designed dress shirts for men.


For more reference: Mens Dress Shirts


Copyright 2005, Leroy Fong and


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