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Budget Traveling - Doing More With Less

Written by Alex Davidson

Posted: 2/02/08


There is a common misperception that you have to be rich to travel. With the proper research, travel plans can be made for your domestic vacation holiday or international destination without having to spend a small fortune. Travel can be very cheap, often at or below your budget.


If you are going to travel to a domestic location for your vacation holiday, try searching for hotels and motels outside of the immediate area. If you are going to drive or rent a car during your vacation, you should try looking outside of the immediate area of your vacation location. Quite often, a few short miles away from your destination will allow you to save literally hundreds of dollars a day, often saving enough money to pay for a good rental car. Budget hotels and motels are common today. With a little searching you can find another way to save money by using one of the budget motels or hotels.


The food at any vacation resort is almost always over priced. It is easy to save a lot of money when taking this into consideration. Most of the budget hotels and motels have refrigerators, coffeepots and even sometimes small kitchens that make it more comfortable to travel. If you can find a budget hotel or motel that offers these amenities, you can buy the food at a grocery store just like home. Purchasing and preparing your own food while you travel can help you to greatly increase your budget for having fun.


Try to travel during off-peak hours or travel days. Usually airfare and even rental cars are cheaper if you purchase them on a Tuesday or Thursday, instead of traveling on weekends or holidays like so many people do.


While you will still need money to travel, it can be done on a tight budget and you can still save money and have fun during your vacation holiday.


Alex Davidson writes about budget traveling. Find lots of reviews and destinations along with money saving tips and advice to take you anywhere you want to go.

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Country Inn

5828 Douglas Ave
Racine, WI 53402


Esmond Motel

4900 S Colony Ave
Union Grove, WI 53182


Motel 94

1623 NE Frontage Rd

Sturtevant, WI 53177

Phone: 262-886-2216


Paris Motel

1033 SE Frontage Rd
Sturtevant, WI 53177


Paul's Motel

1700 200th Ave
Union Grove, WI 53182


Rainbow Motel

733 Milwaukee Ave
Burlington, WI 53105


Seeker Motel

1700 Durand Avenue

Racine, WI 53403

Phone: 262-637-8555


Seven Mile Motel

8205 Hwy. 41
Caledonia, WI 53108